@spiralganglion Noita wands feel like programming at times (the concepts are hard to understand and combine in unpredictable ways, with lots of room for improvisation). They even have if/else/done as spells, although it’s considered advanced and is rarely used AFAIK. I’m not sure what best video would be but this one covers some basics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDFdi8XU6M0
Update: by removing one line at a time, I figured that `let += nchars;` is responsible for the slowdown.
What’s weird is that `append` function itself is called in both slow and fast cases, so it’s not like the function itself is slow, it just _becomes_ slow after working on certain file
- Run parser on file containing only ASCII, get X µs - Run parser on file containing wider UTF-8 - Run parser _on the same first file_ containing only ASCII , get 2X µs now and from now on - Reloading code helps, until I do UTF-8 once again