@ponapalt If you consider a ghost running in an older version of ssp, I think the On_installedghostname will skip the update of the installed(sakura|kero) list because the installedsakuralist already exists.....
@ponapalt Looks good for me, please add installedkerolist along with it if you can Given that a yaya-based ghost might build installedsakuralist and installedkerolist when installingghostname, I think we should probably add a separate event before the installedghostname event to tell ghost not to handle these things on its own.
@ponapalt The github version of taromati2 will check if the ghost exists in the installedghostlist or installedsakuralist on OnInstallRefuse, and because the ssp does not provide a proper event, so installedsakuralist is implemented by taromati2 traverses all ghost installation directories and reads the descript.txt of all the ghosts under them. Today I noticed that some of the sakura names were garbled (being read in the wrong charset because there was no charset in the descript.txt) and although I fixed this at https://github.com/Taromati2/ghost/commit/f5c815256a78cb883aa2b0f4600df2cad1f1bce7 , I was wondering if it would be possible to get ssp to provide a list of sakura names to avoid ghost implementing descript traversal by it self?
@ponapalt I noticed that using owned sstp's id doesn't send messages to a specific ghost in sstp on http (I wonder if that's a bug?) and it looks like ReceiverGhostName and ReceiverGhostHWnd can be used in sstp on http I would like to use ReceiverGhostName as a more generic means (like https://github.com/Zichqec/atm_machine/blob/f21dffaa0a35f61693d6ea99e5f9c68caa071f26/index.html#L16 in this file, which is handy) Can you please update the documentation when you have time?
@ponapalt@kanade_lab I was just wondering if it would be possible for the plugin to pass the list of modified concrete files to ssp via sstp, which would perhaps massively reduce the time needed for reloading?
(Although I've been using f4 in OnHotkey to reload the shell and f5 to reload ghost.....)
@ponapalt Do we have any guarantee that the SecurityLevel always precedes the EventID? I just noticed that if SHIORI_FW.REQUEST_LINES_LIMIT is set and the ID is in a row smaller than SHIORI_FW.REQUEST_LINES_LIMIT and the SecurityLevel is in a row other than SHIORI_FW.REQUEST_LINES_LIMIT yaya will understand this as an Internal
This can more reveal additional security issues, such as js from web pages that can be used to trigger events to browse and manipulate your local files (especially if your ghost has robust debugging capabilities) I hope there is a fix for this...
@ponapalt I just noticed that OnRecycleBinStatusUpdate is also triggered when ssp is started (not just when files are moved in and out of the recycle bin), and that the diff for file size and number in the OnRecycleBinStatusUpdate parameter when ssp is started is the whole lot (and its not notify but get), so I thought it would be good to mention this in the ukadoc.