In Gaza, "every person, the first thing they want to tell me in English or Arabic is 'We need food,’" says UNICEF spokesperson James Elder. "They are saying that because their assumption is the world doesn’t know, because how would this be allowed to happen if the world knew?"
I'm referring to the total and complete lack of public debate in Israel about any of this. Try to get this to your head: for Israelis, the genocide is not happening. The war is not real. Even the low-intensity conflict with Hizbullah up north is not real. How can I explain something that doesn't exist? But it doesn't. Can you believe it?
No one argues about any of this, and no one weighs the pros and cons of any single part of it. It is not talked about. ...
I'm reposting here a disturbing and insightful thread by Israeli writer Alon Mizrahi. It's long but I urge you to read it in its entirety.
"As an Israeli in this dark disgusting inhuman time, there are many things I see and hear and can tell you about and are worthy of research and serious consideration, but there is one part of it that is so uncanny, so disheartening, so extraordinary, that I can hardly describe it, and you won't get it. Because it's so hard to believe, or conceptualize. ...
Representatives from Aish Hatorah synagogue in Toronto, Canada, insult a pro-Palestine man who registered for a #kellerwilliamsrealty seminar where stolen Palestinian land in illegal settlements in occupied West Bank is listed for sale, all with the help of Toronto police despite the sales being illegal under Canadian and international law.
In New York City, an estimated 50,000 pro-Palestine protesters marched through the soggy streets of Manhattan today as part of the Global Day of Action for Palestine!
Italian singer Ghali said "Stop the Genocide" during a music festival seen by over 13 mil people.
The Israeli ambassador complained about his "shameful message of hate" and that Ghali "should not have used the stage to say such 'provocative' things."
Ghali's response was clear: "What the ambassador said is awful. He's adding to the politics of terror where Italians are afraid they might lose their jobs, their reputations if they say 'Long Live Peace," which is absurd." #Italy#Ghali#Genocide
"Birthright trips are 100% propaganda trips. ...Any Jewish person who was on a birthright trip think about it 'why was anybody paying for a free vacation for you? Because we love the Jews? No, because we're American and Israelis need Americans to side with you."