@aral Totally! I edited my post b/c I meant to say "most" arent companies but that most are linked back to the companies in some way or another. I.e. it's complicated.
@media_dept Linux distros arent like Windows or Apple...theres no central company employing hundreds of workers. Often just a guy piecing components together that were made by other guys...from home. So there's not really anything to be green. You'll be happy with Cinnamon Mint.
Professor in Biological Sciences at Tarleton State University. My focus is population genetics at the interface between populations and species--including hybridization. Because I work at a university that (historically) has been teaching focused, my research questions and methodology are relatively simple. I like simple science.I'm active on iNaturalist, posting observations of as many different species as I find and providing identifications of others' observations.