I can sort of understand the woke left's insistence that immigrants should be taken in, on the basis that they fundamentally don't believe national borders should be considered important, and people should have the right to move from one country to another at will. Based on this, I can sort of understand their insistence that illegal immigrants shouldn't be deported either.
But what I really, really don't understand, is the insistence that dangerous, hardened criminals should not be deported, or even arrested, if they are immigrants.
I'm not talking about suspects either, but proven ganbangers and other career criminals.
Yet Andy Ngo's stream is full of reports of how wokesters are publishing ICE agents' actions and locations, in order to actively stop them from arresting and deporting these actual dangerous criminals.
I can sort of understand, logically, believing that people should be allowed to stay because they should have the right to live in another country if they so wish. But I can't see what kind of logic could possibly lead to "these members of a hyper-violent Latin American gang must not be arrested/deported".
The only thing I can see leading to this is a knee-jerk "ICE bad" reaction, which at this point amounts to a thought-terminating cliche.
It just makes no sense.