When you run an I2P router you are participating in a global community network that is providing traffic obfuscation, location obfuscation, pseudonymity and anonymity for very network participant.
Have you updated to I2P Java 2.5.0 or i2pd 2.51.0? Changes were implemented to the NetDB to improve its resilience to spam & improve the router's ability to reject suspicious messages. The best way to maintain security and help the network is to run the latest release. 🔴🟡🟢
I2P is a project to build, deploy, and maintain a network supporting secure and anonymous communication. There is no central point in the network on which pressure can be exerted to compromise the integrity, security, or anonymity of the system. https://geti2p.net/en/docs/how/intro
When you run an I2P router you are helping people who may be relying on the network for circumvention. Every person running an I2P router is contributing to network stability and strength against censorship.
Want to provide end-to-end encryption, traffic obfuscation, location obfuscation, pseudonymity/anonymity to your application? SAM is the recommended protocol for non-Java applications to connect to the I2P network: https://geti2p.net/en/docs/api/samv3
For people who are accessing the clearnet via the I2P outproxy, we encourage you to support @stormycloud . Having a stable and well maintained outproxy ensures that people can maintain privacy when accessing content outside of the I2P network.
Architectural choke points make it easier for censors to block and filter content. The I2P network is distributed, decentralized, and its protocols and transports are designed to protect the identity of traffic on its network. Build with I2P: https://geti2p.net/en/get-involved
@iuvi Hi! BitTorrent is part of I2P's capabilities, as is self hosting sites or forums. Same for using IRC. So sharing files, chatting, etc are available. There are plugins that are included for use in the I2P Java software, and other I2P compatible plugins can be added to your router console. There is no specific app - these are all contained in the router software itself.
Identifiers are necessary for protocol operation. I2P protocols protect users privacy on its network by protecting identifiers in the NetDb. The latest updates provide even better anonymity. https://geti2p.net/en/blog/post/2024/03/29/many-masks-one-mind Privacy is a human right. I2P is a human rights protocol.
This year SAM turns 20! 🥂 SAM is the client protocol application developers use for connecting with the I2P network. SAM V3 was introduced in May 2009. More recent 3.x versions support advanced features: https://geti2p.net/en/docs/api/samv3