Out of the blue, I got two follow requests from almost empty accounts on https://soc.ua-fediland.de , one of which had nazi symbols in their profile banner. Now I'm wondering, is this an actual Ukrainian instance, or is this some Russian propaganda thing? Haven't looked at any more profiles there yet (no time right now).
So... I guess I should then better make this a #Fediblock post.
https://soc.ua-fediland.de is sending out automated follow requests from mostly empty accounts. It might be a Russian troll farm, disguised as a Ukrainian instance. At least one account pretends(?) to be a Ukrainian nazi, complete with swastika and Asov flags in the banner.
@henry79@aral@SebastienK ...for example, even in a world without homelessness people with back problems or leg problems on a walk might want to lie down for a moment.
Sometimes I'm looking at this, wondering if these signals are really only meant to be used by people on maritime vessels, and not just by everyone.
"I wish to communicate with you." "Keep clear of me; I am maneuvering with difficulty." "I need a hug." (well, they apparently misspelled it as 'tug') "I require assistance." "I am disabled; communicate with me." "Keep clear of me; I am engaged in pair trawling." (which is obviously slang for "don't flirt with me; I'm in a monogamous relationship".) "You are running into danger."
Hi! I'm Kaos from Berlin, Germany. Among other things, I'm interested in genealogy and history and I love the ancient board game Go. I have ADHD and Autism, and I am a white, polyam, pansexual, genderfluid enby, and a mom. Most of the time, I pass as a straight cis-woman. I often try to pass as neurotypical as well, but I can't make it work. ^ ^[Avatar shows a donkey in the woods.]