I2P routers confirm the status of router infos when they restart. This means checking in to make sure they are still available and getting rid of those that are not. The amount of peer connections you see will vary until this process is complete.
This proposal was approved and is now in the [Tunnel-Creation-ECIES] specification as of API 0.9.65. There are no known implementations yet; implementation dates / API versions are TBD.
A reseed host is required to create connections and onboard a new router to the network. Reseed servers can observe if a new router has bootstrapped from them, but nothing else about traffic on the #I2P network. The more reseed hosts the network has, the more resilient the network becomes.
The project is always looking for new people to provide reseed services for the core software.
The I2P network transports and protocols are designed to provide anonymity within the I2P network while using I2P network specific applications. I2P is an overlay network, it is not a a way to access clearnet sites. I2P is not an VPN, I2P is not Tor browser. It does allow people to provide outproxies services to access clearnet sites. These are independent services, the best of which is operated by StormyCloud. You can also mirror sites to the network. https://www.reddit.com/r/i2p/comments/1gbqexs/can_you_access_clearnet_similar_to_tor/
Security Notions for Fully Encrypted Protocols https://petsymposium.org/foci/2023/foci-2023-0004.pdf This paper gives the first definitions for FEPs, examples of how existing protocols fail to satisfy them, and a novel protocol that does satisfy them.
I2P network transports are DPI resistant = resistant to identification and specific blocking on the basis of protocol identification. Share reseeds, run I2P routers, mirror content that people need/ want, create usable apps for the network, keep people connected.
New Release ❄️ Blizzard is a standalone version of Tor Project’s Snowflake proxy. It can be used to produce an I2P Plugin that will donate a Snowflake to Tor Browser users. The Snowflake uses I2P to manage its lifecycle. That means when you start and stop your I2P router you start and stop the Snowflake. If you can safely use I2P in non- hidden mode, you will have the ability to donate a Snowflake long-term. Instructions are available for Windows and Linux at this time. https://github.com/eyedeekay/blizzard/releases