Imagine every hunter in the Midwest saying "nope fuck the fed". What's that 4.5m trained hunters that successfully take down animals with senses 230x stronger than ours.
The pinnacle for me was a game called Air warrior 3. Crew up a b17 and man it with 6 other guys. Each actually calling out incoming fighters. You'd get 10-12 bombers in a group each with guys crewing it. All the attacking planes were also real people.
We only have cable internet where we live, only option. But some new company is burying fiber like madmen. Everybody can't wait to go to it, I'm gonna stay on cable because no one will be on it.
I was a mechanic for a directional drilling company that did the states fiber network expansion years ago. That shit is garbage, water, dirt, humidity from the soil, all crash the system. Utility company hits a line? You're gonna wait weeks for the fiber splice team.
It's shotty work. It's all spic beaners that do that work here. The White guys can't compete on bid work. Then as soon as Pedro fucks it up and his insurance was shit It's months before they get a White company to come do it.
I will also be the last to serve. Every male in our family has as long as I've known. My 3 sons, not a fucking chance. I have no allegiance to this gay special economic zone wearing an American skin suit.
Aging old Republican, dreaming of the glory days when the Centauri were Lions of the galaxyMILF enthusiastRumored Robot on the TownBite my shiny metal ass!PronounsInebriated/XnebriatedJunes over faggots, back in the closet with the other shit no one cares about.*christus rex meus*