The initial very convincing phishing attempts accusing the recipient of watching porn with threat of exposure have resulted in a considerable number of suicides. It is epidemic, and not being exposed as fraudulent enough for vulnerable members of society to discern validity and stay safe. So, thanks for this article. I would remove probability from the event and prefer to let it be known as fake.
"New research unveiled that when faced with a choice, 40% of individuals opt to remain ignorant about how their decisions impact others, often leveraging this unawareness to act more selfishly.
The researchers equate this behavior to consumers who turn a blind eye to the problematic origins of products they purchase."
"We tried mask mandates once in this country. They failed to control the spread of respiratory viruses, violated basic bodily freedom, and set our fellow citizens against one another"
They think it's all over, they can get back to their nachos.
PhD. Terrorism + Media. Book editor on emerging tech. Professor for Mass Media Law, Media and Society, and Communication and Critical Thinking. Former faculty @ Dartmouth, Johns Hopkins, UC Davis. Veteran newsman. Independent. Avatar circa Y2K.