Oh, no, poor landlords. Have they tried making their cups of coffee at home?
Notices by Jean (bohemianchic@infosec.exchange)
Jean (bohemianchic@infosec.exchange)'s status on Saturday, 02-Dec-2023 20:32:56 JST Jean
Jean (bohemianchic@infosec.exchange)'s status on Wednesday, 29-Nov-2023 16:08:22 JST Jean
Struggling with so many quarter life crises atm. And I dont really know what's going on anymore with my life :(
Jean (bohemianchic@infosec.exchange)'s status on Saturday, 28-Oct-2023 16:28:26 JST Jean
I do not have other social media accounts aside this one and Linkedin (if you consider that as SM , that is).
I attend conferences often. I find it interesting when people would ask me for my Instagram account and I tell them I do not have one, they'd give me a face as if I am hiding my identity or I am running away from something, followed by 'Oh no, why?'
No, girl, " Why are you using that shit of a social media?" should be your question. Or actually, maybe I do and I just dont want to follow you. 😂
Jean (bohemianchic@infosec.exchange)'s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 08:31:48 JST Jean
This pink-wearing monster is ready for the interview and presentation today.
She is not smiling cause she her clothes are too tight
Jean (bohemianchic@infosec.exchange)'s status on Wednesday, 04-Oct-2023 22:23:44 JST Jean
It's weird being asked what life achievement I am most proud of. Bit silly, I guess, but I said that the accomplishment that holds the significance to me isn't something like a trophy or an impressive title. It's actually the battle I face against depression and eating disorders every day.
For context, the picture below was me in 2016, peak of my eating disorder. I was 40kg (170cm tall; all bones and skin. Muscle has also atrophied in my legs) yet I still dreamt of losing more. I wanted to be a Victoria's Secret Angel. It was a vile, toxic dream. This single photo evoked so much emotions within me.
Each day was and still is a challenge that require me to confront my demons. Anorexia is no joke. I didn't seek help for years because I thought I was healthy. I thought I was amazing. And, this was even supported by so many people saying "Wow, you lost weight. I wish I could lose as much weight as you" and "you are so much prettier now that youve lost weight." And hell, I believed it--that being skinny thin meant I was beautiful. My ED evolved into Bulimia, followed by a rollercoaster ride of emotions where my self worth was tied to how small my waist was, how big my thigh gap was, how much I could purge without people noticing. The days I spent in a hospital due to dehydration and not eating were not enough for me to stop what I was doing.
It was very recently since I started treatment. It is helping, but I have fully accepted that it is a life long battle. At least now, I have days where I feel beautiful even though I am no longer size zero. At least now, I have days where I feel pretty even though I am not as skinny as I used to be. And it is with those small victories I have every day where I found my strength.
Jean (bohemianchic@infosec.exchange)'s status on Sunday, 01-Oct-2023 15:14:17 JST Jean
Everyone has a right to speech, but its no one's obligation to listen to you. And while we're here, a right to speech doesn't guarantee a right to have fucking megaphone.
Jean (bohemianchic@infosec.exchange)'s status on Friday, 29-Sep-2023 19:40:57 JST Jean
@arek Non-english natives unite! There's more of us :DD
Jean (bohemianchic@infosec.exchange)'s status on Friday, 29-Sep-2023 19:37:35 JST Jean
Me: "I speak English fluently. How dare you?"
Also me: "Best part about being non-english native is you can use it as an excuse for bad grammar and poor word choices."
Jean (bohemianchic@infosec.exchange)'s status on Tuesday, 26-Sep-2023 20:08:10 JST Jean
I can't be the only one who hates watching instructional and explainer videos. Just write them down, please. Ffs. I always find myself extracting the video transcripts because I cannot learn abstract concepts by watching. Programming? Sure, video. Explainer about Ethiopian conflict? Give me the write up.
Jean (bohemianchic@infosec.exchange)'s status on Sunday, 17-Sep-2023 22:18:26 JST Jean
I was interviewed on a podcast today. I was asked why 'liberally-minded' individuals might create technology that seems to support right-wing politics. Its an interesting question. The confusion arises because ppl often conflate economic liberalism with social liberalism, treating them as one. Economic liberalism is basically protecting private property and less regulation. And social liberalism is its best friend. While social liberalism advocates for individual rights and welfare measures, it only acts as a whitewashing tool to soften the sharper edges of capitalist exploitation without challenging its foundational injustices. If anything, a society based on social liberalism is a society that masks the inherent cntradictions of capitalism to make it more palatable to the working class. Panem et circense.
Focusing on individual rights and identity poltiics without challenging the capitalist economic order is putting a bandaid on a broken bone.
Jean (bohemianchic@infosec.exchange)'s status on Friday, 15-Sep-2023 17:07:14 JST Jean
What makes you happy?
Jean (bohemianchic@infosec.exchange)'s status on Saturday, 09-Sep-2023 15:34:32 JST Jean
Some Emirati pulled the race card on me again when I criticised Gulf/Middle Eastern countries for their Kafala system aka Modern Slavery. In case u aren't aware, Kafala system treats their workers as properties. So, this bloke thought I was white and called me racist for telling the truth about his country. First, Im not white. Not even a hint of European blood in me. I know because I had a DNA test, so don't tread on me. Second, And even if I were doesn't mean I cannot criticise how Gulf countries treat their migrants. You cannot pull the race card so you can escape a discourse about how you treat domestic workers in your country.
Jean (bohemianchic@infosec.exchange)'s status on Friday, 08-Sep-2023 20:26:58 JST Jean
@aral and his rationale was I deserved a shit response for asking a shit question. Yea, sure, but I didnt ask to be sexually harassed
Jean (bohemianchic@infosec.exchange)'s status on Friday, 08-Sep-2023 20:20:42 JST Jean
@aral First one is the best, at least for me. I actually haven't played the latest ragnarok one 😂
Jean (bohemianchic@infosec.exchange)'s status on Friday, 08-Sep-2023 20:18:41 JST Jean
Before you reply to a woman's post with some unsolicited sexually loaded statements, ask yourself if you'd be okay if someone does that to your mother. And if you're okay with that, ask yourself why.
Jean (bohemianchic@infosec.exchange)'s status on Friday, 08-Sep-2023 20:15:18 JST Jean
What's a video game you've finished 100%?
100% means all optional bosses, all optional skins/costumes, side quests etc.
Jean (bohemianchic@infosec.exchange)'s status on Thursday, 07-Sep-2023 15:08:05 JST Jean
@aral it is not! Just awful cough thankfully
Jean (bohemianchic@infosec.exchange)'s status on Thursday, 07-Sep-2023 14:58:24 JST Jean
One more cough and I'm taking my lungs off my body. I don't care anymore.
Jean (bohemianchic@infosec.exchange)'s status on Thursday, 07-Sep-2023 14:54:45 JST Jean
A pessimist is what an optimist calls a realist.
Jean (bohemianchic@infosec.exchange)'s status on Thursday, 07-Sep-2023 14:53:13 JST Jean
Messaged my PhD supervisor that I am getting anxious abt the results of my PhD because I was told that it would take 6 weeks to finish the assessment. But its over 3 months now and still no one the wiser. 😂 so I just asked him to tell me whether I failed or not. 😂 Turns out so many people declined to examine my thesis because it sits in 5 different fields ranging from machine learning to political science to international relations. LOL