The press covers the #ceasefire for #gaza only from the #Israeli#hostages' perspective. No one is allowed to show the Palestinian families to reunite because that would show them as humans.
Did you note that the Palestinians freed in the first round are women (!) and children (!) on detention, many held without charge within the Israeli prison system?
There is a difference between understanding an event, which preserves the mind’s analytic capacity as well as one’s sense of self, and feeling like you are personally living through it. The latter produces not understanding but what Sodaro has called a “prosthetic trauma”, which, she writes, is highly conducive to “a simplistic dualism between good and evil that has important political implications”.
they are close enough to Gaza to hear the explosions from the Israeli bombs in Jabaliya and Khan Younis – to see the smoke, and on particularly heavy days, feel the vibrations in their bodies. But […] despite this intensity, it is as if they cannot hear, or cannot register what it is that they are hearing. A staff member […] observed that participants are “deep within their own trauma, and that trauma is crowding out the suffering the war is causing”.
Erstlichen daß sich ein jedweder in dieser Gesellschafft/ erbar/ nütz- und ergetzlich bezeigen/ und also überall handeln solle/ bey Zusammenkünfften gütig/ frölig/ lustig und erträglich in worten und wercken sein/ auch wie darbey keiner dem andern ein ergetzlich wort für übel auffzunehmen/ also sol man sich aller groben verdrießlichen reden/ und schertzes darbey enthalten.