@lamp@fell@kacperpotoczny I guess, I'm still learning. Also, can the color also include her skin color and clothes and insides? 青 basically means blue green and gray so I don't think it's fair to let that word hog up all the fun open interpretations.
@MK2boogaloo@lamp I'm color blind (struggles in English), I'm calling Miku's hair blue or green depending on how I feel at any given moment, I feel it's a green now.
Notice I just get it wrong on Duolingo when they ask to translate it into English and I get the word order wrong (but technically correct), second most common mistake I make is Grammer and order of participles when translating from eng to JP (purely skill issue). Have to spend extra brainpower on reordering English words to what I think they want me to input.
Ever since that audiobox driver was installed and uninstalled I was having jittery movement and controls on l4d (checked fps, it was insanely high). BOOTHの背景アニメを入手したが、インターネットの調子が悪く、ダウンロードをあきらめざるを得なかった。 Hope I can DL it tomorrow when my plan resets
Jumping around live 2d, art,music, testing games to see if the new drivers screwed up the frame rate and crashes games and rpgm and I think I lost track of what I'm supposed to have done today. 今日もパソコンと格闘中
@BillingtonYVR@striderpod@Zerglingman 👏legalize👏this👏right👏now👏 I'm tired of backwards marital law. Adulterers should fear for their life every waking moment and law enforcement should lay down this real law and God given duty to slay the impious.
@coolboymew I was just listening to and studying the progressions of Idol by Yoasobi and Connect by Claris and these songs really wouldn't be anything very notable without the lyrics, it would be more like a banger and not much more.