Every mainstream news outlet is currently running a story about the rash of CEO "wanted" posters all over New York. As far as I can tell, every one of these articles is sourced to a single shaky TikTok video showing three (3) posters on one (1) pole... https://jwz.org/b/ykeU
Pivot to AI: If you like music even a bit, you might boggle at the idea that people would be happy with a stream of anonymous machine-generated slop. But to the music streaming business, caring which song you're hearing makes you a weird outlier. The vast https://jwz.org/b/ykbx
@deathkitten You can't have nice things because there are no nice things. Nice things were officially deprecated in 2005 and have now reached the end of long-term support.
Is there any recourse -- besides bolt cutters -- to these scooter companies coming by in their truck and locking their commercial product to *every slot in every bike rack* so that nobody with a bike can use the rack at all?
Is there anyone at the city who will do something about these assholes?
All you people getting excited that Jack Dorsey's new social media site no longer requires invite codes are like those people tearing off their masks and throwing them in the air as soon as they weren't legally required.
People, the story about the toothbrush botnet does not pass the most basic sniff test. • All articles point to a single source • Target not named • Researcher not named
Flight risk: suspected spy pigeon released after eight months in detention in India:
Indian police have cleared a suspected Chinese spy pigeon and released it into the wild after eight months in detention, according to... https://jwz.org/b/ykMF
@anildash Given the current Substack implosion, it's disappointing to see so many people still giving Cloudflare money. A company who's position on Nazis is basically: "We would gleefully do business with ISIS if we were not legally prohibited from doing so".
I was just thinking about how every techbro podcaster must have a really cringeworthy gallery on their phone where they tried to nail that perfect overly-excited selfie for the youtube thumbnail. Thinking about how awful those photos must be made me smile. And then I thought, I'll bet they just use "AI" image generators for that now, and I made it worse.