i either wanna look like this or look like that, there is never an inbetween
Notices by - ̗̀ vozy ̖́- 🎀 (vozercozer@wetdry.world)
- ̗̀ vozy ̖́- 🎀 (vozercozer@wetdry.world)'s status on Wednesday, 01-May-2024 05:45:16 JST - ̗̀ vozy ̖́- 🎀
- ̗̀ vozy ̖́- 🎀 (vozercozer@wetdry.world)'s status on Thursday, 18-Apr-2024 04:46:26 JST - ̗̀ vozy ̖́- 🎀
never in a million years did i think that Delta would ever come to the appstore
- ̗̀ vozy ̖́- 🎀 (vozercozer@wetdry.world)'s status on Monday, 01-Apr-2024 06:06:21 JST - ̗̀ vozy ̖́- 🎀
when ukraine first started to be invaded, my brother and i were looking at a reddit thread thread dedicated to the happenings, and sorted the comments by "new". amongst the comments was one that read:
"bitcoin tanking"
so now every time a horrible world event happens, the unfortunate thing i think first is "crypto tanking".
- ̗̀ vozy ̖́- 🎀 (vozercozer@wetdry.world)'s status on Saturday, 30-Mar-2024 09:33:45 JST - ̗̀ vozy ̖́- 🎀
alcoholics anonymous gaming
- ̗̀ vozy ̖́- 🎀 (vozercozer@wetdry.world)'s status on Friday, 29-Mar-2024 13:36:56 JST - ̗̀ vozy ̖́- 🎀
i accidentally unplugged my drive from my macbook last night as i was copying a folder there. today, i plugged in the drive again, and it gave me the option to resume copying. pretty smart!
- ̗̀ vozy ̖́- 🎀 (vozercozer@wetdry.world)'s status on Friday, 29-Mar-2024 13:36:23 JST - ̗̀ vozy ̖́- 🎀
this image is like my lockscreen wallpaper for my brain cuz i cant stop fuckin thinking about it and i cant stop seeing it when i close my eyes
- ̗̀ vozy ̖́- 🎀 (vozercozer@wetdry.world)'s status on Friday, 29-Mar-2024 13:32:30 JST - ̗̀ vozy ̖́- 🎀
at first i thought he was making his own fedi instance, but then i realized that would require more effort than screenshotting comments
- ̗̀ vozy ̖́- 🎀 (vozercozer@wetdry.world)'s status on Friday, 29-Mar-2024 13:32:05 JST - ̗̀ vozy ̖́- 🎀
there’s nothing more annoying than a person still talking for another minute or so after you already got their point 5 seconds into what they were saying
- ̗̀ vozy ̖́- 🎀 (vozercozer@wetdry.world)'s status on Friday, 29-Mar-2024 13:29:41 JST - ̗̀ vozy ̖́- 🎀
(source: u/ExpendableToMe)
- ̗̀ vozy ̖́- 🎀 (vozercozer@wetdry.world)'s status on Friday, 29-Mar-2024 13:29:08 JST - ̗̀ vozy ̖́- 🎀
friend reminded me of this great image
- ̗̀ vozy ̖́- 🎀 (vozercozer@wetdry.world)'s status on Tuesday, 07-Nov-2023 11:50:32 JST - ̗̀ vozy ̖́- 🎀
https://github.com/SlippingGittys-Discord-Themes/DiscoCities work in progress
- ̗̀ vozy ̖́- 🎀 (vozercozer@wetdry.world)'s status on Tuesday, 07-Nov-2023 11:50:14 JST - ̗̀ vozy ̖́- 🎀
web design is my passion
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