When I was a young man in my teens and 20s, I very much separated the world into Good and Evil, and I was very stringent about it.
My father told me that when I got older, I'd grow out of that.
As a man in his mid-40s, I think that my moral compass has not changed, but my understanding of the world has.
Institutions I saw as pure good, I now see as complex insomuch that people are complex, and institutions are reflections of people, and institutions I saw as evil, I now realize that even in evil institutions, they may serve a function to people, even if they are ultimately evil.
The biggest change for me I think is the idea that seeing the world in such stark contrasts as good and evil allows and even facilitates bad things. It justifies harming people due to the "greater good" and allows us to hide institutional flaws as "outsider threats".
If we feel too smug, or too secure in our insider/outsider ideology, that's when we can do the most harm to others.
Age has let me reflect on that.