So nice to be brought back to sanity after being called a “jew hater” in the previous reply for sharing an article that talks about “israel’s war on gaza”. Honestly. You would think at some point these lovely Germans would give up, but they don’t!
#ClimateDiary An Eastbourne friend just told us about how he went to hear Simon Reeve at the Congress theatre on Friday. He showed us this image he had taken from Reeve’s talk: “this amount of ice melts every HOUR. You could hear a pin drop in the audience. When you see it like that it really brings it home.”
Well done Simon Reeve for talking about climate change in the Eastbourne Congress theatre (not a climate activist crowd, more the opposite) - and for using an image that works.
#ClimateDiary We are reaching #DontLookUp levels of warning by scientists about the catastrophic effects of the (very probable!) stopping of #AMOC. Nordic countries plunged into cold, rest of planet boiling. Please do read this.
#FollowTheMoney 🧵 43/n Now of course Elon Musk - having made 2/3 of Twitter staff redundant - has been hired by Trump to head the new “Efficiency Department”. i find this prospect alone deeply, deeply scary - both in terms of public services disappearing and I feel for the 1000s who will lose their jobs. As you all know: there is absolutely nothing “efficient” about these kinds of cuts whatsoever. They are deeply destructive, nothing else.
#FollowTheMoney 🧵42/n Firstly, I am conscious of my own #redundancy being very much part of the wider hollowing out, draining out of both public services and professional, creative industries everywhere (see many posts ⬆️). I am really scared about this - it’s strange how this is happening but not really talked about; no #unemployment crisis narrative at all, as of course most people, like me, end up not being “unemployed” but doing smaller, precarious jobs; very few of us on benefiso no stats
#FollowTheMoney 🧵 32/n Watched “The Founder” on Netflix yesterday, about McDonalds. Really interesting- would recommend it. Particularly how the real breakthrough came when Kroc, advised by Sonneborn, went for real estate. Checked it on Wikipedia:
“McDonald's present-day real-estate holdings represent $37.7 billion on its balance sheet, about 99% of the company's assets and 35% of its annual gross revenue.”
Today an overlap with #ClimateDiary: British farmers are struggling due to climate change, Brexit AND supermarket power:
Most farmers receive less than 1% of the profit made from the food they grow. Of the 20% food inflation experienced by the public a minuscule proportion made its way back to the farmer. Tesco made a £2.3bn profit last year, while 49% of fruit and veg farmers fear they’ll be out of business before the end of this one.
We had a veg box for 12 years from Hankham Organics; 3 weeks ago we suddenly had a note with our box that they were closing, as it wasn’t working financially any more. 😢😢😢
And a fish merchant who we got smoked salmon for Christmas from closed this year too, for the same reasons. Plus Goldsmiths’ woes of course (#AcademicVenting). So many good, small organisations struggling and ending.
#FollowTheMoney 🧵 36/n Here a positive, progressive use of money flows:
1400+ Columbia University alumni from its 20 schools have pledged to withhold all “financial, programmatic, and academic support” until school meets demands related to divestment, student discipline, and community safety. Group website says over $63 million of donations at risk. #Gaza#studentprotests
Even though all of us living in the UK know that homelessness is terrible (and has grown exponentially since 2010), it is still shocking to see this graph.
(There are notes on methods: all countries included both rough sleeping and invisible homelessness).
A rare silver lining to severe cuts in local council budgets: for the last few years Eastbourne have stopped spraying our streets and I love this time of year, flowers reclaiming the streets everywhere. #Rewilding#ClimateDiary
#FollowTheMoney 🧵 41/n Ok so the reason for the long pause in this 🧵 was being made rdundant in July, by my lovely (not) employer of 13 years, Goldsmiths University. You can read all about it in this long #AcademicVenting 🧵, tracing the whole sorry saga from first rumblings in Nov ‘23 to the bitter end. But of course, #redundancy is all about money, and I think about money all the time now (I have to), so really should write it about it all here a bit
It really is time for nice liberal centrists to reflect on how much centrism is about self-serving superiority, entirely vacuous, and really neither nice nor liberal nor even “centre”, as it’s really entirely about protecting the interests of the establishment.
My former anthropology colleague David Graeber puts it all brilliantly here. If you haven’t watched this yet: now is a good time!
#ClimateDiary When will media stop asking this question and using phrases like “scientists believe”, or “according to scientists”? We don’t go through this whole stupid thing when, I don’t know, someone dies of cancer. Is this real? Is it really cancer? Doctors believe it was!
Bracing myself for long answers of why there is indeed still more doubt about climate change than about cancer, but just wanted to voice this. It really annoys me.
Regenerative Anthropology and/as Climate Action #ClimateDiary; writing book about palm oil; political and historical ecology, climate justice, commoning Avatar: a small person in a raincoat in a mirror with metal loops with LED lights swirling in front. This is the artwork “Sedibeng, It Comes with Rain” by Dineo Seshee Bopape, in Towner Gallery in EastbourneBackground: a palm oil mill in North Sumatra, in a luscious green landscape.