@coolboymew@shitposter.club Things that would happen in this game: "Let's split up gang!" The gang split and Shaggy and Scooby end up in the nightmare version of silent hill where they keep running away and hiding. Sometimes dressing up as monsters to bamboozle whatever is chasing them, other times in going through a door and coming out from another, unrelated door in the hospital while nurses chase them.
Velma lose her glasses and while she says jinkies monsters walk nearby, she can't see them and therefore she stubbornly believe that nothing is weird.
Fred and Daphne are their usual himbo and bimbo selves while they look for clues to leave that shithole.
The gang reunite, Shaggy explains what they saw, the others don't believe it but suddenly they are all in the nightmare version.
When eventually they manage to capture a monster they try to unmask it, surprise, it's a real monster and they start actually shitting themselves.
Hi, I'm a raccoon, you may know me from that one time I stole trash from your porch.I live in many places, maybe you've seen that video of me hiding under a manhole.If you wanna talk to me you can find me on the chat accounts listed belowOr we can talk on my mumble server if you poke me and ask me to hop on it: raccoon.questOn the fedi I prefer having fun and avoid political debated, if you are racist, homophobic, transphobic know that those are not topic I'm interested about, I'm quite the opposite of those, I TRY to avoid conversation and arguments about those topics so please help me do that.I like being proven wrong, if done respectfully, because it's a great learning experience.Y'all like shitty websites? I have a shitty website: https://raccoon.quest/You can find a search engine, a radio and a mumble server free for everyone to use.