@Linux4Everyone Arch as my main OS and Mint (Debian Edition) for work and relatives.
Both just keep on chugging and have great communities around them. Also Arch wiki has a solution to 99.99% of my issues with it. And LMDE w/Auto Updates is a lifesaver for relatives 🥳
Yes, It's the "real koutsie".I love the smell of ☕ in the morning.I do technology in many levels and fail at even more. Sysops, Bash, Go, Linux (Arch, Armbian) etc.IPv6 is the current protocol!Also sometimes photography and arts?Toots in 🇫🇮/🇬🇧Posts contain my own opinions, which may not necessarily reflect those of my employer(s).He/Him or They/ThemIf you follow, please @ me and explain who you are - otherwise I'll ask you - I just wanna make sure you're not a bot 👍