@aral Adobe has a way of bypassing third party cookie protection in all modern browsers - you point a CNAME on your domain at them and they handle the rest.
If you’re outraged about Adobe sending your pictures off their servers (you should be), please know other vendors do this too. That horse has already bolted.
I saw a toot about how Mastodon isn’t a suitable network for social movements.. posted on a social network with 8 million accounts that has no adverts, is volunteer run, is open source, has no owner and is end to end free of big technology companies.
Inception - tooting about flying in VR while flying in VR. One of the nice things about the Varjo Aero headset is you can overlay virtual office while inside a game (actual useful metaverse). #GossiAirways
Took 24 minutes to find parking spot, CDG airport is huge. Physically got out of the airplane and did a walk around. Did run over a pigeon. #GossiAirways
Cybersecurity weather person and award winning shitposter. Shitposting is an anagram of Top Insights. You may be surprised to know I am not representing my employer here and these are not their opinions.I have Direct Messages disabled - you can send them, but I will never receive them.