📚 Il y a 8 ans, @framasky nous expliquait comment les géants du web imposent leurs règles sur la gestion des mails (en plus de lire les conversations) et l'impact sur les petits fournisseurs de mails.
https://framablog.org/2017/02/17/etre-un-geant-du-mail-cest-faire-la-loi/ #FramablogArchives
Notices by Framasoft (framasoft@framapiaf.org)
Framasoft (framasoft@framapiaf.org)'s status on Tuesday, 18-Feb-2025 21:14:18 JST Framasoft
Framasoft (framasoft@framapiaf.org)'s status on Wednesday, 20-Nov-2024 01:09:08 JST Framasoft
🎈Framasoft a 20 ans ! 🎈
Pour célébrer l'occasion, les bénévoles de l'association vous ont concocté un site web pour remonter dans le temps et (re-)découvrir des actions marquantes de l'association !
In conversation from framapiaf.org permalink Attachments
Framasoft (framasoft@framapiaf.org)'s status on Monday, 08-Jul-2024 19:27:12 JST Framasoft
Hi Aral, we've been experimenting with selfhosted https://mixpost.app for a few weeks now for some specific cases (and it's working pretty well).
Unfortunately, the ability to use alt tags and descriptions is not yet available.I opened an issue a few days ago following @ValK report: https://github.com/inovector/mixpost/issues/107
I hope that a new release will make this possible soon 😕--pyg
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Framasoft (framasoft@framapiaf.org)'s status on Monday, 08-Jul-2024 19:04:32 JST Framasoft
Plus que 224€ pour atteindre l'objectif…
On y est preeeeeeeeeeeeeeesque ! 😬
In conversation from framapiaf.org permalink Attachments
Framasoft (framasoft@framapiaf.org)'s status on Wednesday, 03-Jul-2024 00:52:32 JST Framasoft
🎉 The "De-google-ify Internet" campaign celebrates its 10th anniversary 🎂
Petitions, Whiteboard, Tricount-like, etc…
New Framasoft services are in the pipeline, and existing services are being renovated. The following page will tell you all about it, including why we need your help:
https://soutenir.degooglisons-internet.org/en/In conversation from framapiaf.org permalink Attachments
Framasoft (framasoft@framapiaf.org)'s status on Sunday, 31-Dec-2023 19:37:14 JST Framasoft
To mark the end of our 2023 campaign, we wanted to highlight the magnificent illustrations that @davidrevoy has produced for us!
So we've put together some wallpapers (PC and mobile) featuring the mascots who have been with us for 7 weeks, for you to download and share freely!
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Framasoft (framasoft@framapiaf.org)'s status on Tuesday, 26-Dec-2023 16:20:31 JST Framasoft
🎁 Vous aimez les cadeaux ? Notre annuaire #Framalibre fait peau neuve pour vous aider à offrir du logiciel libre autour de vous ! 💝
Trouvez des alternatives, et créez vos mini-sites pour recommander des outils libres à vos proches.
Toutes les infos : https://framablog.org/2023/12/26/offrez-le-cadeau-du-logiciel-libre-avec-framalibre/
In conversation from framapiaf.org permalink Attachments
Framasoft (framasoft@framapiaf.org)'s status on Tuesday, 26-Dec-2023 16:20:30 JST Framasoft
Notre travail, sur #Framalibre 2024 et toutes nos actions, est avant tout financé par vos dons.
Grâce à vous on a déjà récolté 64 % de notre objectif : merci !
Il ne reste plus que 5 jours pour rassembler 71 000 € et boucler notre budget 2024 : on compte sur vos partages ! :boost_requested:
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Framasoft (framasoft@framapiaf.org)'s status on Thursday, 30-Nov-2023 22:26:15 JST Framasoft
Protection des vidéos par mot de passe, réupload d'une vidéo, storyboard, chapitres...
On est fiers et heureuses de vous présenter le boulot de cette année sur #PeerTube v6 !
À lire et partager largement : https://framablog.org/2023/11/28/peertube-v6-est-publie-et-concu-grace-a-vos-idees/
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Framasoft (framasoft@framapiaf.org)'s status on Friday, 17-Nov-2023 18:06:54 JST Framasoft
@aral @NGIZero @peertube
[1] obviously, I need now to apologize to Dragons, that must have been offended to be compared to Surveillance Capitalism companies.
I know I'd be, tooIn conversation from framapiaf.org permalink -
Framasoft (framasoft@framapiaf.org)'s status on Friday, 17-Nov-2023 18:01:40 JST Framasoft
@aral @NGIZero @peertube
You are SO right to say that, and I (hi, Pouhiou here!) will be more careful next time I'll use such comparisons.My point here was that both "products" cannot be compared, as we are fighting Dragons[1] with toothpicks.
2 years ago, I calculated that Framasoft's yearly budget was 9mn of No time to die.
Because it shows the world we prioritize : do we want more James Bond movies, or more funds for activists who try to improve the world?
In conversation from framapiaf.org permalink -
Framasoft (framasoft@framapiaf.org)'s status on Monday, 24-Apr-2023 14:47:41 JST Framasoft
Si vous avez déjà les doigts sur le clavier, prenez la pause-café avec l'espresso de @Khrys pour la veille web de la semaine
image offerte par @im licence WTFPLIn conversation from framapiaf.org permalink Attachments
Framasoft (framasoft@framapiaf.org)'s status on Thursday, 02-Feb-2023 18:07:56 JST Framasoft
@aral We won't attend this year, but have a great time!
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