Thank you from the bottom of our GNU little heart! #ThankGNU to Beat Straehl, David Almassian, David Klann, Kim Minh Kaplan, and Maks Romih Us for their generous contribution to the #fsf Let's fight for freedom together!
Donate USD $500 or more before December 31, 2024, and you'll get an embroidered, one-of-a-kind "I love #FreeSoftware" cap to keep for yourself or gift to a loved one!
Dona 500 dólares americanos o más antes del 31 de diciembre de 2024, y recibirás una gorra única que dice "Me encanta el software libre" para quedártela o regalarla a un ser querido.
Faites un don de 500 $ ou plus avant le 31 décembre 2024 et vous recevrez une casquette originale I love free software (J'aime le logiciel libre) que vous pourrez garder ou offrir à une personne chère !
Assigning your copyright to the FSF helps defend the GPL and keep software free. Thanks to Kristoffer Balintona, Samuel Jackson, and Jørgen Kvalsvik for assigning their copyright to the FSF! #Emacs#GNUAstro More:
How do I use GNU licenses for my own software? We are glad you asked! Please see our "GPL how to" page for the full answer and thank you for making the ethical choice!
Some corporations falsely claim that proprietary software is more secure than software that respects your freedom. With proprietary software, users are unable to see that they're being spied on and only a handful of developers know how it works, where the weak spots are, and what the software really does. While free software isn't necessarily secure against surveillance/hacking, everyone can help to cover blind spots instead of providing hackers with ties to China a buffet-worth of data.
Wir brauchen dich! Seit 1985 hat die FSF auf eine bessere Welt voller freier Software hingearbeitet. Um weiterhin ein Stützpfeiler der Freien Software Bewegung bleiben zu können, brauchen wir deine Unterstützung. Kannst du uns mit einer Spende unterstütze?
Pourquoi d’autres soutiennent-ils la FSF financièrement ? « Je suis exaspéré de voir mon intimité violée de manière récurrente. » – Benjamin Bennett. Partagez votre raison de soutenir la FSF avec le hashtag #CornerstoneOfAFreeSociety
Por qué otras personas apoyan financieramente al FSF: "Estoy absolutamente cansado de que violen mi privacidad." -- Benjamin Bennett. Comparte el por qué apoyas a la FSF con la etiqueta #CornerstoneOfAFreeSociety
Assigning your copyright to the FSF helps defend the GPL and keep software free. Thanks to Alekseev Nikita, Edgar Vincent, and Toshihiro Umehara for assigning their copyright to the FSF! More:
Did you know FSF has been publishing a biannual magazine called the Free Software Foundation #Bulletin since nearly its founding? Have a look at the archives to read years of free software articles by FSF staff and community members!
Please investigate matching gift opportunities at your employer. The FSF is normally eligible, and it's a great way to double your donation. If needed for the transaction, our tax ID is 042-888-848.
Did you know that an FSF associate membership funds the certification of free hardware to help you choose a device that respects your freedom?
Thank you from the bottom of our GNU little heart! #ThankGNU to Neil Banerjee, Ramana Kumar, Richard Ellwood, Stéphane Bortzmeyer, and Zacchae for their generous contribution to the #fsf Let's fight for freedom together!