"If I use a piece of software that has been obtained under the GNU GPL, am I allowed to modify the original code into a new program then distribute and sell that new program commercially?" Read the full answer on our #GNUGPLFAQhttps://u.fsf.org/3we
Did you know that an FSF associate membership funds the certification of free hardware to help you choose a device that respects your freedom? https://ryf.fsf.org/#BecomeAnFSFAssociateMember
Thank you from the bottom of our GNU little heart! #ThankGNU to Neil Banerjee, Ramana Kumar, Richard Ellwood, Stéphane Bortzmeyer, and Zacchae for their generous contribution to the #fsf Let's fight for freedom together! https://u.fsf.org/3vy
Assigning your copyright to the FSF helps defend the GPL and keep software free. Thanks to Kristofer Hjelmtorp, Christopher Floess, and Seyed Sajad Kahani for assigning their copyright to the FSF! #GCC#Emacs More: https://u.fsf.org/3ht#CopyrightAssignments
The "Respects Your Freedom" certification program encourages the creation and sale of hardware that will do as much as possible to respect your freedom and your privacy, and will ensure that you have control over your device. https://u.fsf.org/3g0
Did you know that the FSF tech team provides critical services to the GNU Project, like email, build servers, release hosting, bug tracking, Git hosting, and provide servers to free software projects like #KDE, #Replicant, #Trisquel, and #Parabola? All on computers with free BIOSes! Read the full article to learn more about their work: https://u.fsf.org/41z
Are you advising software projects that accept LLM-generated code? Please participate in our survey on guidelines the use of #LLMs and help our #licensing team learn more about existing practices. We value any input: https://my.fsf.org/llm-contributions
Is your school forcing you to use #Zoom, #Skype, or other proprietary videoconferencing software to learn or teach? Freedom is important to education. Read about freedom-respecting choices at https://u.fsf.org/311
Assigning your copyright to the FSF helps defend the GPL and keep software free. Thanks to Alekseev Nikita, Edgar Vincent, and Toshihiro Umehara for assigning their copyright to the FSF! More: https://u.fsf.org/3ht#CopyrightAssignments
Learn how to replace proprietary software with free software on iOS. Ceasing to use proprietary applications is a good way to start migrating to freedom: https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Collection:IOS
Yvo Brasseur renewed his membership saying: "The world does not realise enough how important your work is for the future. And 140 Euro is 0,38 Euro/ day and 2,69 Euro/week... I can't have a beer for that in Belgium." Become an associate member today for $12/month ($6 for students) and show the world that you cherish software freedom: www.fsf.org/join
What does it mean to say a license is "compatible with the GPL?" It means [...] you can combine code released under the other license with code released under the GNU GPL in one larger program. Read the full answer: https://u.fsf.org/3u6
The FSF has an important role to play for computer users globally for years to come, and we still have a lot of work to do. Can you support our efforts by joining the FSF as an associate member for only $12/month ($6 for students)? https://www.fsf.org/join#BecomeAnFSFAssociateMember
We love freedom 2, the freedom to redistribute copies so you can help others. Boost this post if you LOVE this freedom, and want others to know about it, too! Read about the four freedoms of #FreeSoftware: https://u.fsf.org/2cj
Thank you from the bottom of our GNU little heart! #ThankGNU to Neil Banerjee, Ramana Kumar, Richard Ellwood, Stéphane Bortzmeyer, and Zacchae for their generous contribution to the #fsf Let's fight for freedom together! https://u.fsf.org/3vy
Assigning your copyright to the FSF helps defend the GPL and keep software free. Thanks to Kristofer Hjelmtorp, Christopher Floess, and Seyed Sajad Kahani for assigning their copyright to the FSF! #GCC#Emacs More: https://u.fsf.org/3ht#CopyrightAssignments
Flashback to this blog post from former campaigns intern Leonardo Vignini intern which details the history of #DRM: where did Digital Restrictions Management start, how did it get this bad, and what can we do about it? https://u.fsf.org/34ghttps://defectivebydesign.org