Assigning your copyright to the FSF helps defend the GPL and keep software free. Thanks to Kristofer Hjelmtorp, Christopher Floess, and Seyed Sajad Kahani for assigning their copyright to the FSF! #GCC#Emacs More:
"HW [...] chose GPLv3 for that purpose. The fact that we're still going today [...] is proof he made a good choice. If KOReader had been proprietary, it may have been unnecessarily abandoned -- a fate that is all too common for similar projects." Read more:
Proprietary control over education is growing and it is affecting student's rights to information. Watch and share "The University of Costumed Heroes" and fight for young people's freedom.
It sometimes surprises people that the FSF does all its work with only eleven staff members. Well, we are blessed with the support of a crew of fantastic volunteers!
Assigning your copyright to the FSF helps defend the GPL and keep software free. Thanks to Alekseev Nikita, Edgar Vincent, and Toshihiro Umehara for assigning their copyright to the FSF! More:
Nonfree #JavaScript may be taking away your freedom without your realizing it! Many web sites require proprietary JavaScript. Nonfree JavaScript subjugates users in the same way as any piece of proprietary software. Learn more:
Chromebooks foisted on students? Teachers monitoring what children do outside of the classroom via nonfree software? Surveillance of children is common, and it's at your child's school, too. Support #FreeSoftware
Yvo Brasseur renewed his membership saying: "The world does not realise enough how important your work is for the future. And 140 Euro is 0,38 Euro/ day and 2,69 Euro/week... I can't have a beer for that in Belgium." Become an associate member today for $12/month ($6 for students) and show the world that you cherish software freedom:
Read our latest update about the Freedom Ladder campaign, and how we plan to create introductory free software resources that keep people moving forward on their journey to freedom.
Thank you from the bottom of our GNU little heart! #ThankGNU to Beat Straehl, David Almassian, David Klann, Kim Minh Kaplan, and Maks Romih Us for their generous contribution to the #fsf Let's fight for freedom together!
Assigning your copyright to the FSF helps defend the GPL and keep software free. Thanks to Kristofer Hjelmtorp, Christopher Floess, and Seyed Sajad Kahani for assigning their copyright to the FSF! #GCC#Emacs More:
US taxpayers: Call on the IRS to provide libre tax-filing software! Read the FSF's latest article, and learn how you can participate:
"Free software is not antithetical to commercial success, it's just a different way of looking at things. At its core, libre software is first and foremost about freedom and community, sharing knowledge, and solving problems." Gabriel Cezarin Popovici Read more:
"A wooden GNU head sticker" Help us reach our goal of 200 new associate members by July 26 by convincing a friend to join and we will reward you with a sustainable wooden GNU head sticker.
Assigning your copyright to the FSF helps defend the GPL and keep software free. Thanks to Alekseev Nikita, Edgar Vincent, and Toshihiro Umehara for assigning their copyright to the FSF! More:
Use these resources to find the free software you need, promote the free software you like, and explain to everyone you know why it's essential to use and support free software: