one of my two reasons to have orchiectomy was, explicitly and specifically, "so that i can be on testosterone", which i feel is by far the single funniest reason to have orchiectomy
@munin but yeah i ended up on - yes, i'm asexual - no, i don't *hate* sexuality - it serves a perfectly clear and reliable instrmental purpose for me that doesn't match what people assume. yes, you have to read the proverbial manual
@munin i _think_ she did it so that she'd have an easier time raping me? she did something similar (not literally the same actions but same general idea) to someone else
@munin i spent a year with no hrt at all after orchi and to this day it feels better to exist that way
the main reason we still use estradiol (injectables, too) is to reduce fatigue (primary) and prevent bone density loss (secondary)
it does not bring me joy, i don't really like the mental state it puts me in, and (unsurprisingly) i do not really enjoy any sort of sexuality while on it, vs. with no sex hormones at all
@manawyrm it feels like normal web browsing for the most part
re bufferbloat, buffer management with glasgow gets really hard due to the complex interplay between usb, fx2 bus, and python... i'm actually quite happy how it works with the default settings
@foone uh... so, what you do is you take More Progesterone until it makes you high.
it might very well cause you to suddenly lose consciousness. so please do not do this in any situation where you might fall. because you could seriously hurt yourself. (i did once! six broken bones. though i was also on a scooter)
catgirl shaped object"A cat is valued for companionship and its ability to kill vermin."✧ i have friends, and my purpose is to support them ✧✦ i have enemies, and my purpose is to eliminate them ✦✶ i have a life, and my purpose is to reach heaven by violence ✶✷ nothing else matters ✷#searchable