@PinochetsCommieCopter for the benefit of anyone reading who is inexperienced with niggers IRL, you can intimidate & rout them even if they vastly outsize you in numbers or raw strength.
as you can see from the above, it looks to me like 2 or 3 fat Whites held off then deterred the chimping crowd. you must be fierce, relentless, and brutal. once they retreat YOU MUST ADVANCE. any opening in their defenses or avenue for escape must be seized without hesitation lest their resolve should coalesce anew. do not take a break like these outta shape Whites appeared to upon successfully driving the apes back. you must subdue or escape.
i am not at all suggesting that this advice will preserve you against all harm, what i am saying is that niggers, whether it be one or one hundred of them, are fundamentally cowardly, and require time to emotionally amp themselves up in order to commit violence. when faced with the hostile negroid, TIME IS YOUR ENEMY. the cold, wintry non-emotive fury of the White man is absolutely alien to these creatures and they find it both utterly eerie and fearsome.
fall like a thunderbolt, do not hold back, and you & yours possess the highest percentage of walking away from an encounter.
citation: (still) surviving in Niggerville, USA.