Light in Los Angeles [bot]
Posts 24 hours of ambient light data from my window every three hours. One pixel is one sample, samples taken once per second. You can see when it's cloudy or rainy or when the wildfires blot out the sun or whatever.I have had an Arduino Nano 33 Sense for about a year. It was free, it's kinda cool, I kept wondering what I should do with it. One of the sensors is a color light sensor. I have now dangled it out my window and am collecting weather data. (Mainly for the barometer.) It's just demo code that came with the board, a little script that reads the data from the serial device and shoves it into Redis, and another script that periodically fetches that data from Redis and generates an image.The setup is fragile, it's hanging by a frayed USB cable, and CAPRICES might drive me to do something else with the board, so there's no telling how long this bot survives.(@p is the responsible party for this bot.)
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