@thatguyoverthere I suppose, such test can be provided before the age of an adulthood: if you are a teenager ready to do adult things, you can get through the test and become "de jure" an adult. Otherwise, if becoming an adult needs mandatoey tests, we'll find ourselves in situation, in which the vast majority of grown men and women considered children and denied autonomy because of some experts manipulating with such quizes.
@coolboymew Beyond the grayscale of so-called "morality": > Yet another Japanese cartoon for kids? Grow up already. > Read mango, mango is better? You want me to read this? The children's coloring book? No, thanks...
@coolboymew They should standartize the figurines' dimensions so they could fit in standart cumjars (of course, making regional US/EU/JP varieties due to different measure systems).
@coolboymew If I just happened to be a visitor of such cafe, I would be totally embarrased. No, really, "werukam homu, masuta" is an absolute cringe. I suppose, visiting hookers is not as awkward as visiting maid cafes. @Moon
A participant of several granfalloonsLE EPIC RUSSIAN LE PESSIMISTIC DOOMER GAMER STYLEBiotechnology bachelorDoing a master's on computer science and waiting to be expelled from universitySelf-hosting enthusiastVery sincere personKnows things nobody cares aboutBelieves, time heals everything, but still needs humilityBecomes more sceptical about technology but still trying to stay optimistic about the future of ours