Those who are using #Eyedropper (a color picker and formatter for the #GNOME / #Linux desktop): What are some features that you would like to see in the next release?
(Global shortcuts will most likely be included in the next release)
I've just released the 0.5.0 version of Eyedropper (a powerful color picker and formatter for the #GNOME desktop). The biggest improvements are the ability to change how a color is formatted (for example customize 'rgb(r, g, b)' to 'Color::rgb(r, g, b)'), two new color formats: LMS and Hunter-Lab, and a placeholder page when no color is picked.
I finally came around to setting up this account. #indroduction I'm a FLOSS enthusiast on Android and Linux, currently maintaining/developing Eyedropper, a powerful customizable color picker and formatter, built for the #GNOME desktop.