@cambraca I wish it was more obvious based on those links. Some of those links are 404 as well.
Threadstodon offers no discoverability. It’s not even a bot in the assumed sense. It does no action on its own.
But if enough ppl don’t want it I can take it down. I didn’t publish this to ruin lives. I already got called a tech bro today so my ego’s pretty fragile already.
@yuvipanda it took a minute but once my brain flipped to “respect the voices of the marginalized before appeasing the masses” I knew a plug pull was best. I think it wouldn’t be too hard to make it a more temporal service that tidied things up for a few hours and then evaporated organically, but not something I can do rn
Profession? Engineering manager, UI/UX developer and career web person since the early 2000s. Front-end specialist. I also grow all sorts of plants, backyard farming, cultivating good soil, gaming and culture. Dad, partner, he/him.