Elston, you're basically inadvertently admitting that christ-insanity does indeed originate from Jews
Why is Saul so close to jews in the first place if he wasnt a jew? Why is this very personal intratribal debate w/jews taking place at all, the "huge con-flict" as you call it?
The essenes were jews man. Why do they all have jew names back (b4 it became the "winning play" to join jews like after christianity was forcefully imposed) then, if they werent jews?
"Jewsus chased da moneylenda'z outta da temple! Based!"
ok, wtf was "he" doing in that jew temple in the first place if "he" wasnt a jew?
It'd be one thing if it had come from Germania & seeped into the bowels of the Roman empire (via the sewers which were where "early christians" had to hide since they were despised partly b/c they were apparently engaging in interracial orgies spiced up w/ritual murder of infants further spiced up w/ritual cannibalism)
christianity was, is, & always will be jew to its hollow core