@acnewberry@zalohttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Okhrana The Department for Protecting the Public Security and Order first hit's for a Bulgarian group, but it's defunct. The link to this Russian page is "For the Russian secret police, see ..." yeah this dude doesn't look like secret police to me, Wikipedia. Doesn't seem like a very neutral POV you used there.
@acnewberry@zalo probably Russia. Didn't catch any non-Russian cyrillic, and Belarus was relatively based.
tbh I'll take a cop giving me a beating over a. wearing a mask b. western mask enforcement Yeah I'm young enough and not fat enough to take a blow. See you on the way back bro.
@Dwalrus@wishgranter14 Catholic bishop takes strange, bizarre stance in opposition to people who argue that they were "born in the wrong body". This religion asserts that the human body was made in the image of God, but weirdly, inexplicably don't agree that your body can really be corrected with monstrously crude plastic surgery.
@lina@ins0mniak Weird Al Yankovic parodied "Smells like teen spirit". Therefore, Nirvana had a measure of cultural success. This is the easiest and surest way to make objectively correct statements about music.
@teknomunk@ceo_of_monoeye_dating and the fun thing with chicken is, if they want "pod living, bug eating, and owning nothing" so much, well chickens can do that too.
@ChristiJunior@ArdainianRight@d0c40r0@flux_the_cat and there are social scientists who do good work. The problem they face is that if you want to completely disrupt American society it's enough evidence to have a survey of 10 couples in Europe, but if you want to defend an existing practice you need an entire library's worth of backing and then people will still hem and haw about it
@Arkana@caekislove@EvilCorp1988@SuperSnekFriend@matrix that's also not remotely a support for 'they/them as a personal pronoun'. It doesn't even go into how frequently or when it's used outside of a single Bible quote and a longish section on how dumb illiterate rubes abuse it.
@EvilCorp1988@matrix the good old days: binary sex, most people assumed male unless specified otherwise. 'They/them' only used in rare cases where you're being so vague that not just sex but even the number of actors is left unstated. by the 2000s: "Give his or her bottle of milk to his or her parent." Explicitly generic sex. Don't assume maleness. Some authors took the path of creating explicitly-sexed anonymous parties (the programmer is female, the tech writer is female), just to avoid this bullshit. also by the 2000s: total abortion of new sex-neutral pronouns. "Give pers bottle of milk to pers parents". These never caught on and the most popular had unwanted specific-sex connotations. 2015: gay marriage is forced onto the United States by the courts, in defiance of the electorate. All the social warriors move onto new fights. 2016-now: abusive unnatural and just fucking ugly emphasis on they/them, personal pronouns, 'treeself' comedy pronouns, and trannies
The only way to stop this flood of filth is to ban gay marriage.
@MoeBritannica Q. A Christian has made a simple, direct statement about Christianity. What should you do? ancient Jews: raise the interest on her loan older Jews: sell her a Christmas song current Jews: WE'RE NOT GOING TO MEEKLY ACCEPT THIS BIGOTED TWEET, FUCKFACE these guys are dumb.
@bootersmchooties I think it's interesting that 'smart' people with high karma accounts on reddit have never read Carl Jung, and also don't watch Fuwamoco. cirnobait.png
@mushroom_soup >have twice the extended family and friendgroup to have your back in a pinch >gameplay mode unlocked: fun activity that results in additional people who love you until they become teenagers
If you wait by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by.Deo VindiceKeep your safety in mind and don't make loud statements for which you might go to the places not-so-far-from-here, because there you will help no one.