@coolboymew@Moon@colahpse@rms But you have to combine both short and long term solutions. The law will become useless when everyone will have the knowledge they need to have which is a good thing imo.
@thatbrickster@Moon@coolboymew@rms >but these are things that have to be imposed externally I don't see this being respected by the population. They'll have no clue what to do. There will be a gorillion of so called techs, who will want to sell scam/non working/snooping solutions worsening the whole situation.
@coolboymew@Moon@colahpse@rms >then what's the solution? I do not know. I can only imagine a short term solution like the one you proposed but you'll also inform the population that a long term pedagogical program to teach basic hygiene tech skills to the population will be put in place and that only those who have passed the course are not restricted anymore. This would only be efficient if the course trains people on free/libre systems tho, if people are trained on proprietary crap they'll be progressively screwed as we have witnessed in our own lifetime.
@coolboymew@Moon@colahpse@rms >It solves the parents dilemma for them Even if it can be I don't think that treating the population like mindless cattle to be a solution. I mean it's what the wef and current govs do and it doesn't result in anything positive.
@colahpse@rms@Moon@coolboymew >because we've silently surrendered to the fact that most parents can't not give their kids phones and tablets. "BUT HE WILL BE ISOLATED BY THE OTHER KIDS IF HE DOESN'T HAVE THE SAME THINGS THE OTHERS HAVE" I can't wait to see the jump from a bridge trend.
>We don't need more dumbed down shit. I'm not saying to dumb it down, but if you tell someone that there's 30 ways of filtering, but you not only have to check your router but also the radio internet connection, and then you also have to filter bluetooth, and then you also have to filter the "apps" and then etc... Even tho they're all in reach physically they're all in various virtual locations and considering the current level if would be a positive to have gui that centralize all these functions without obfuscating, and I insist on the without obfuscating, what people are actually configuring remotely.
@coolboymew@Moon@rms > various lock downs stuff, free DNS filtering, etc. THEY DON'T USE IT, I know. And they have no idea what these mean and they'll look at you with fish eyes if you try to explain it most of the time. So they need a simpler GUI for that without dumbing it down too much. Entirely feasible and it's something people demanded me often in the past.
>tech literacy they don't have either Again a pedagogical issue :sadge:
@Moon@coolboymew@rms Or the source of trust is the parents instead of the gov. Avoid extra complexity of tokens, just have non admin session for your kid with a form of parental control have the session synched with the parents devices and they're the one validating browsing/chats.
That is imo the fairest way to do it. But I think that it would be best to not allow kids to use tactile smart devices in their current forms as cool said, they're made for the lowest common denominator and it just dumbs people down instead of doing the opposite. But such rules should come from the parents and not the gov. Thus again it comes back to pedagogy. Except in education, this crap should entirely be removed from education on a legal level.
@coolboymew@rms Yeah, the issue after word would be that like rms pointed out is that they'll probably use a form of irl id to enforce that which isn't a solution. The only long term positive solution would first to be to forbid phone usage at school, no phones are permitted inside the schools and jammers are put in place.
Then you need to have a pedagogic project so that parents have some knowledge on how to manage all of this.
@roboneko@SuperDicq@Moon The main issue in the farm world is that prices are rigged by the food store corporations who coincidentally also own most of the silo storage. Aside that even tho the environmental regulations are a positive long term the farmers get no help to progressively migrate their methods to one that would be a long term positive. Aside that a lot of the farmers aren't even farmers, in france there's very few small independent, which are average normal mentally and understand more or less the problems, then for the other ones which are very big ones and they just hire temporary contracts who have no idea how the soil works aside the current tempo they have for seeding, treating and harvesting. And I do not speak of the mentally disabled people working in agriculture, because there are quite a few, in my region at least, I know because my sister dated several of them.