@social docker ps-a shows: "[containeridhiddenbyme] divax/i2p:current-i2p-tor "/entrypoint.sh" 45 hours ago Up 97 hours>8080/tcp, :::8080->8080/tcp,>4444/tcp, :::4544->4444/tcp,>7070/tcp, :::7170->7070/tcp,>9050/tcp, :::9950->9050/tcp i2p-tor"
Notices by Sarreq Teryx (sarreq@social.diva.exchange)
Sarreq Teryx (sarreq@social.diva.exchange)'s status on Monday, 14-Oct-2024 18:43:24 JST Sarreq Teryx
Sarreq Teryx (sarreq@social.diva.exchange)'s status on Saturday, 12-Oct-2024 14:49:35 JST Sarreq Teryx
@social automatically, or through portainer if it stops itself (hasn't happened yet). the pac file downloads normally through my browser.
the initial config was done using the "docker run --env PORT_TOR=9950 --env PORT_HTTP_PROXY=4544 --env ENABLE_HTTPPROXY=1 -p 7170:7070 -p 4544:4444 -p 9950:9050 -p 8080:8080 -d --name i2p-tor divax/i2p:current-i2p-tor" command shown on both the github page and the diva.exchange "introduction to i2p" page -
Sarreq Teryx (sarreq@social.diva.exchange)'s status on Friday, 11-Oct-2024 23:33:59 JST Sarreq Teryx
@social I run my docker server on a NAS, and connect a few clients (PCs, tablets, etc) to it for various services. example: my server address is, and would like to access this from my various PCs. are you telling me this is for some strange not an option with the divax container? like is implicitly not a possibility?
Sarreq Teryx (sarreq@social.diva.exchange)'s status on Friday, 11-Oct-2024 02:48:39 JST Sarreq Teryx
@social divax/i2p:current-i2p-tor, from windows or linux. your setup guide says to use the setup script from http://localhost:8080/proxy.pac. I thought changing localhost to the server's address would work, but I get no access at all no matter what I do.
Sarreq Teryx (sarreq@social.diva.exchange)'s status on Thursday, 10-Oct-2024 22:17:16 JST Sarreq Teryx
@social #i2p how do I connect to my docker i2p if it's not on the local machine. I was assuming changing localhost to the server's IP addy, but that's not working at all.