@aral He could literally start a war with this carry on. Everyone needs to be prepared to protect Greenland, because if he ‘gets Greenland’ he’s going to come for another one he fancies after that; as well as the Panama Canal.
@ChrisMayLA6 I fear this Labour government under Starmer is too close to the USA with Trump as POTUS, and will cause irreparable harm to the UK [and surrounding countries]. That Farage is also platforming Trump and offered a lot of money by Musk isn’t helping. I think Starmer is hoping some of this largesse will come Labour [his] way. Nothing is suggesting to me that Starmer’s Labour are governing for the good of the country; and everything is suggesting they are governing to line their own pockets. Trump and his billionaires won’t care - they see an easy mark to gain more wealth, and more control.
@aral@murchadhfinn Hopefully Irish and EU law would ensure protection and equality for trans people: reunification should remove the yoke of British occupation from the six counties forever. #think32
@ChrisMayLA6 Bridging with BlueSky is dangerous, as they haven’t got nearly enough moderation over there, and the worst people from X are now installed. It seems the awful TERF crew that is KiwiFarms and their main proponent [Jesse …..] is there, and BlueSky have not taken action to shut that down, despite many thousands of complaints. IMO, if someone wants an account with Bluesky they should keep it separate from their Mastodon account, to protect our integrity here. No Bridge is the best bridge.
‘Now I want you to listen very carefully to what I am about to say’ said the Patrician amiably, ‘otherwise you will die.’ The Colour of Magic 1st book in the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett
Rules of the game - Grab the nearest book [don’t look for your favourite or wittiest book] - Turn to page 42 - Find the second sentence - Post the sentence in a toot with the hashtag Page 42, and write the rules as a comment to it #Page42
OldSometimes grumpyOpinionatedSocially & environmentally aware & concernedPro-Choice Autonomy mattersPro EUWe are all immigrants from somewhere else. We always will be