Spring is in full swing, it's time to plant some seeds. And when they came out of the soil I thought it would be kinda cool to see them grow. So I made a timelapse video.
I made it with a Raspberry Pi 4b and I'm sharing the steps how to do it, so in the newest blog post there is something for both the #bloomscrolling and #RaspberryPi crowds :blobfox3c:
@borutzki How complex is the internal state? I'm thinking maybe to create a "state" class that would be passed to each of the method, and that method would return a modified state, and you would pass the state around. Seems easier to test.
We just received our "jaarafrekening". This is the final yearly invoice sent by our energy company. They are about to pay us €252, and we will continue to pay them €5 per month next year, just like last year. i.e. overall our energy company is paying us about €200 for last year's electricity. Everything in our home is powered by electricity. No gas connection. No wood burner.
Nothing that we've done to achieve a negative energy bill was especially expensive. In particular, our installation of a air-air heat pump and a couple of extra solar panels cost far less than several of our neighbours paid for the wood burning stoves they've installed, which stink up the neighbourhood all through winter.
We also don't have to buy wood to burn.
People concerned about the cost of heating with gas buy woodburners at a higher rate than heat pumps largely because they have no idea about the relative costs. If they knew, perhaps we could have clean air.
I'll write a comprehensive blog post at the end of March about energy consumption, costs & emissions due to the heatpump vs. gas this winter. I can tell you already that we using a *lot* less total energy now.
> This interrupted time series analysis of 26 bars/taverns in Baltimore, Maryland, found that reducing hours of alcohol sales from 6 am to 2 am to 9 am to 10 pm was associated with a 23% annual decrease in all violent crime compared with control areas.
Podcaster, blogger, programmer, teetotaler. Co-founder of Sealcode (https://www.sealcode.it/), creator of Sealious (https://hub.sealcode.org/source/sealious/). Privacy and security educator at https://www.internet-czas-dzialac.pl/Opting in to make my profile searchable