And just remember; they didn't do anything to try and prevent that from happening in the future so it isn't like they cared AT ALL about minors being exploited, they just wanted something that would "stick" to their target. A means to an end is all it was for them.
Yeah but the retard weebo said they've never made national news or even local news so you MUST be lying.
I remember seeing that segment. The dyke kike Richard Maddyke was pissed off about it because she's worried that some of them might stop buying into trumps bullshit and see the truth.
They haven't been rounded up and they haven't suffered from joining.
You're a fucking retard and retards like you will never realize how stupid they really are.
You think they're going to get denied a loan or something because their name is "on a list?" I've got news for you, people don't really get fired for this anymore, especially the "average joe" type who makes up NJP.
What would the feds have to gain from doing what they do?
I don't think they're grifters at all but some people call organizations "grifters" when they don't use 100% of all donations for the mission cause due to having to pay people to work there.
Your legs are going to get tired of backpedaling before too long.
So what are they?
Feds? Grifters? Pick your criticisms of them and we can go from there. They're not perfect so I might even agree with you on some things BUT they're the best we have right now so I promote them when they're doing good things. And if you actually had "pocket friends," whatever the hell that means, that were contemplating suicide over the anti-White rhetoric then you should support them when you can, too.
That's the thing, they're not doing anything illegal so there is no worry about joining.
If you're not doing anything wrong then you have nothing to be concerned about, and with all the potential attention they'd get they go out of their way to ensure that they and anyone associated with them is above board on things like this.
I think you have been consuming more crack than cake lately.
"Get vanned tomorrow!" - For doing what, exactly?
Maybe you think jews and those they manipulate in their sick form of biological warfare are like the Tyrannosaurus Rex in the movie Jurassic Park in that if you do nothing they'll move on and not bother you?
I was talking about it months ago and you may already know about it but they're making some if not most of them serve their IRR time as active duty and some of them are getting pissed off and trying to sue the military over it so they can get out.
It's mostly the fault of the kartrashians and others who push this pop culture fashion on impressionable women.
I like women but modest or even fairly modest women look much better than the ones wearing the stuff like that in public.
Whenever I see them wearing stuff like that I think "she's probably fun for a night...and she probably has herpes and other STDs," not that I'd do a one night thing these days anyways but it just screams harlot, jezebel, floozy, etc. to me.
She might not be as fat as a lot of the women who wear stuff they shouldn't be wearing because of their body shapes but I think all of the kardtrashians are ugly and have nasty looking fat asses. The ridiculous fat ass and duck lip shit can go away. I hate it.
It's hard to tell if they're wearing them or not sometimes.
Either way, I think it's more attractive when they wear classy/traditional/simple/moderate/etc. stuff because they still look beautiful and it wouldn't be as exciting getting presents if they were already mostly unwrapped.
I remember some teacher in high school telling the girls in the class to dress to where you leave enough to the imagination to keep them interested. That wasn't verbatim but she was pretty much telling them to not dress like whores. The funny thing is that she was the youngest and prettiest teacher in the whole school.
I guess nowadays that'd be considered "slut shaming" hahaha