> I have a collection of weird computer hardware, including an ia64 server.
for ages ive wanted to get my hands on a GA144 but ive never wanted to scrounge up the 600 dollars for an evalboard or find 9 other people to buy the chip itself. ive also wanted a sparc for ages but theyre not so common in the UK
@Moon@amerika like RPGMaker has probably done more for the accessibility of whatever thing you want than urbit ever will it feels
rpgmaker put easy in depth game development into the hands of like hundreds of thousands of people that used it and put out games and sure they were shit but a fuck ton weren't shit and gamemaker has had a lasting consequence on what it was aimed at
@Moon@amerika i dont think creating a very specific architecture that excites a very specific portion of the population is a revolutionary act but i feel like putting game development in the hands of the masses who are willing to trudge through it is and i wish we could have something like that for other things
@amerika@Moon feels like a lot of ppl are fundamentally missing the mark. i feel like i was onto something a while back but got stuck with the paralysis of choice
@Moon@amerika idk like my pal devine did that and it was hard but they also have something to show for it that urbit doesn't and theyve been at it for less time than urbit
@Moon@amerika and it feels like urbit and a bunch of other stuff is in the position to do something similar but is too pure to bend over and help out the dumb people do something fundamentally cool