It's not fair.
I miss seeing my family and friends.
My mother was so cautious at the beginning of the pandemic; she was masking (surgical or cloth as most of us were at the start), checking the local public health unit's website daily, and would be upset when seeing others not taking precautions. At one point, her and my dad got sick and her resolve seemed to lessen a bit. Then everything started going to shit with PHUs cutting down on testing, only occasionally reporting "outbreaks" in facilities (and who knows what their minimum amount of cases needed to be before it was considered reportable), etc.
In my mom's eyes, this was all good news. She kept checking the PHU website, but stopped taking precautions as the risk displayed by our health unit's data was no longer significant in her eyes. Try as I might, she still values their input rather than mine, regardless of the resources I've shared about the dangers of COVID. The PHU is there to protect her, so why shouldn't she believe them?
They have failed her. They have failed my mom and so many fucking people, lying to their faces and not giving a single shit about the consequences.
I can't see the people that I love because we apparently can't move on from outdated scientific knowledge, because even suggesting that this virus (and others) is airborne is too much.
I can't see the people that I love because PHUs are fucking cowards and can't own up to their mistakes.
I can't see the people that I love; it's just not fucking fair, and I'm sick of it.