Notices by McNabb (
@Tadano @hazlin Oh look another butthurt E-Christian faggot on the internet. That photo is me holding my first born son, which is an experience you'll never have.
This is why I hate white trash and no one is gonna stop me from talking about them. We have a drug baggie, piles of trash around a trail I cut, and literal bags of human shit complete with shit-stained papertowels/napkins thrown against the bank of a river.
This is about 1/8th of a mile from my house, I take my kids down through here to the river ALL the time. Fuck white trash, frankly, this is subhuman third world behavior and I ain't gonna tolerate any excuses for it.
To be honest, I absolutely do love it when enraged motor-cucks are stuck behind me while I'm hauling three kids with my bike through town.
Suck my fucking dick you useless oxygen thieves.
The case of the Arab Spring is very instructional on this because it was actually studied. Major take-aways are thus:
1. Social media companies and the west had a propagandistic interest in the narrative that Facebook and Twitter was assisting "democratic change".
2. There is no real association between internet access/cell phone use and social unrest.
3. Banning internet access did not reduce unrest, and seemed to do the opposite.
4. Social media was however weaponized against dissidents and used to amplify their opponents.
Overall, the social media environment is essentially hostile enemy territory full of landmines, tanks, machine gun nests, and double-agents.
Reminder that using social media for "politics" is an utter waste of time and there is no supporting evidence that such activity is useful for fomenting revolutionary activity in the real world.
@seanmunger You seem like a total faggot with a hard drive full of CSAM.
A lot of you missed the point. When you take a kid outside, it's so they can harden the fuck up. They have brand new knees, hips and ankles. Literally zero miles on those parts.
Your kid should be able to run a 5K by the age of one or you have FAILED AS A PARENT
@JustJohnny "I have heard from people who actually were athletes talk about this but hah hah hah of course I would know nothing about it because I'm careful to avoid exercise at any cost."
@JustJohnny Why would running such a short distance destroy your knees and hips? Are you a great big fat person?
@JustJohnny "an" idiot. Not "a" idiot.
@JustJohnny If you want an actual rebuttal then I'm gonna observe there is a total misperception on your part regarding how likely you'll experience a knee injury from short distance running. A 5K is literally the shortest running distance common to this kind of sport.
Continue posting BBWs. This is B A S E D and fatpilled content.
I have seen #whatagamdevlookslike
I never want to play a video game ever again.
@TheEternalBungholio wait wat lmfao
Last of Us Episode 7 brings under-age race-mixing lesbianism to the screen.
Thanks Jews.
@c @DW2 I for one welcome our new cartel overlords.
In most media, and especially video games, I think sound design pretty much peaked and leveled off a long time ago. Games from a quarter century ago legitimately have top notch soundtracks and fantastic general sound design.
I'm not saying that new games are necessarily worse, just that there's not much appreciable progress in that arena anymore.
Conservatives like the idea or evocation of yeoman farmers with pickup trucks and blue collar workers while zealously pursuing their abject ruination through highly intentioned policy making decisions.
The gas stove is the apotheosis of everything wrong with conservatard politics:
Pointless signaling around a totally soulless and irredeemable consumer good.
If you notice, the only argument for gas stoves is predicated purely on a mechanistic understanding of "efficiency". A gas stove is not an outdoor smoker, it does not impart any additional flavor because you loaded it with hand split mesquite and hickory. It's just a fucking heat source. Gas stoves are themselves part of modern alienation and banning them would force people to return to more authentic cooking traditions.
@PensiveCowboy If you live in a rural area you should own an axe and be capable of identifying species of trees.
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