tak4 subscribers, page 3
These are the people who listen to tak4's notices.
haturatu 今も元気ハツラツ太郎 仙台 https://soulminingrig.com/
22歳です。 Think Pad Lover. 中学生のときから集めてました。 過去所有X60,X61,X200,X201,X230 現在保有X260,T60p,T61p,X220(2023年購入) 名前は中学生の頃にやってたAVAというFPSで使っていたもの。
wrongthink Wrongthink
Depraved spreader of disinformation. Contact your local field office if you see anything offensive.🧠 🈲止
bullwhip bullwhip
Justice. I can’t think of another word more loved by the people. It does have a nice ring to it. However, without ever exercising your own strength, you seek the death of others at the hands of someone else. Well, the justice you refer to smells pretty rotten to me.
yurisexyz 新明揺聖
glow_in_the_dark_cia_agent Glow Boi :cia:
Just your friendly neighbourhood CIA agentMy weaknesses are locked accounts and "nobot" in the bio
udon Udon 毛布の中
- 雑談用垢(政治、NSFWなもの含め) -(外国人なので日本語はカタコト) - (May contain political and NSFW content or retoot) #nobots - HP (tor): http://gpvdip7rd7bdy5gf7scl3rzgzgzckqw4sqxbmy6g3zijfwu4lz3ypbyd.onion/ - HP (i2p): http://xx6ojsbjzosszqzdxfuopkib6aslzjd6jhcde36qvvm7hzqbddyq.b32.i2p/