Watch this MADMAN absolutely DECIMATE his instance's database with ONE WEIRD TRICK!
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@mint it's VACUUM time
The query has been running for 10894.457866 seconds and still haven't finished. Right now I'm just waiting for it to finish so that I start the repacking process for the table and go to sleep.
Using LIKE was likely a bad idea, better do something like `data->>'actor' in (select ap_id from users where id in (select following_id from users where follower_id = (select id from users where nickname = 'relay')))`. Though that won't handle relays that I'm not subscribed to anymore.
Hope I didn't fuck up for not accounting for automatic reindexing after each deleted row or something.
Think that's a good sign.
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No, it's just my backup cron job kicking in.
@mint have to do mine in one day/hour increments to avoid this
42340.205402, still going.
59252.432806. I will try turning instance off, disabling triggers for activities and then deleting them.