people will complain about literally every remake. not a single game remake has been "good" because goalposts will always shift to call it shit.
im down with hating on EA or whoever but Dead Space remake is exactly what I've seen some people claim to want when seething about remakes that change too much
@why these remakes still sell so i guess most people are pretty happy with most games, otherwise they wouldn't buy them.
and additionally the "they shouldn't have remade it!!!"
this usually comes from someone who says "the PC port SUCKS, you have to play at 30fps with vsync on and mouse aiming has acceleration so you have to use a controller and also you can't play it on ps4/5 why don't EA update the game to make it available and easy to play I would pay so much for that"
@shpuld @why i liked it when they did that with planescape torment, just made it easy to play it without having to install 14 mods.
@why (that said I'd be happy if they did more light remasters that changed very little, just to fix small things and making the games accessible)
@why yeah there's a huge disconnect between people who played it and those who didn't, most people I see love it even if they were skeptical. looks like a good remake to me but I don't care for the game in the first place
@lain @why yeah this can be the best sometimes. I like playing halo ce through master chief collection as well, I can play it looking and feeling like the original except higher res and better fps, I don't ask for anything more than that (although the collection does provide more)