I'm not making definitive statements on how good/bad AI effects will be on artist employment in the game industry.
But what I can say is that most people would be HORRIFIED at the amount of work making game art actually takes if humans just do it raw. It's nearly incomprehensible until you witness it. Even with generative AI I don't think art teams are in serious danger of being mass unemployed.
- matrix07012 :thotpatrol: :cunnyEmpire: and 🛡 ⚔️ McCreeaboo ⚔️ 🛡 like this.
@i artists on teams outnumber engineers like 50 to 1 right now due to lack of tooling on their side and they still consistently fall behind schedule. I see AI tech as a natural correction if it can truly help.
@RustyCrab game art was better when it came on a CD, and they copy pasted it onto the texture atlas
@RustyCrab anything that gets easier with technology is good for the mankind. Simply because it means that I can do something for fun that was previously impossible. New ways to make a living always come up, we already have some of the most horrifying jobs, how bad can it get? I say let it happen, let them lose their jobs. If AI meant I lose my java job tomorrow, I should find more challenging work, that's just motivation for me