Kirino Kousaka ('s status on Sunday, 19-Nov-2023 23:46:53 JST Kirino Kousaka -
- EmmaFaber
- Cousin_Martha_Corey
- Mishmish
- Hollahollara
- Sherri_Ingrey
- ӀɑվӀɑ ɑӀҽ×ɑղժɾօѵղɑ 🍁
- AnungIkwe ᐊᓈᓐᑭᑴ
- Yisheng Qingwa Jiu Bao
- LadyMont
- Nina Paley
- TheWitchBitch ❄️🥂🎊🎉🎇
- The Dread Slender Gnome
- Lady Bexington Mayoma’am
- bruja
- @polarisera reposted your post
- Ana
- gender atheist & new wave fan
- Abolish Pregnancy
- M. K. Fain
- tangle tangle-three
- Piss pot shit in my eye
- Aflowernamedyou
- Blackgendermoderate 🍁
- kijo 鬼女
- Morbidemoness
- Ghost Prototype
- harpyharpyharpy
- TriptychTwins-partdeux
- Matron of the ninth circle
- FemaleIsNotAFeeling
- Flick 🇬🇧
- firsttimemummy
- Shrikesflyfree
- Tiggy's Swinging Balls PhD
- LisbonMuse
- susansiens
- nature's mockery
- MandyJane
- Tatsuya Ishida
- Isaiah76
- Penny's Feeling Springy
- HebrideanHecate
- EmmyNoether
- Danger Muff 🧐🐁 🦀🗡️
- TheInebriati
- Radical Cartoons
- FileNotFound
- errante
- susannunes
- nina from canada eh
- Rogue_Koala 🐨 Right Honourable Lord Mischief
- sun
- Mynona
- LostInCalifornia
- Better 🟥 Than ☠️
- The New North Pole
- 𝓙𝓮𝓷𝓷𝓲𝓯𝓮𝓻 𝓛𝓮𝓮
- Sasha33
- ♀♀♀SapphoroXX💜🤍💚
- Feart n Tired 🏴
- FunsizeScot1975 🏴 Or Susan if you’re feeling familiar
- Caffosaurus☕🍁:mayo:
- Comrade Chronic-Yonic :flag_lesbian:
- Kuenga
- GalacticTurtle
- Domesticated Zombie
- Yhe_XX_Estate :flag_lesbian:
- PonyPanda (male)
- Starsstorm 🍉 ☀️
- Lou
- RadLola
- Marshall
- FarmKat
- Alline
- Jont_K
- Yemaya :sparkles_cyan: :sparkles_blue: :sparkles_indigo:
- fpcggc
- BILLSan345
- PohlMe
- HoolaHoolaNope
- Calvin Gaines
- VioletFirePhoenix
- Former Comrade KeepTakingTheSoma
- Adrian L. Sullivan
- sandalphon
- TriptychTwinsRidesAgain
- Maud Gonner 🇮🇪
- Jerrica makes art
- Biff
- ARoseByMyName
- agorahills
- Slaydie_Penelope
- Gwen
- "Your majesty" is my preferred pronoun
- Qbody
- 22 lemons in a trenchcoat
- 4W
- MissFitz
- akelai
- Tracy S.
- alexbloodfire
- AliBee23
- Alynna
- Ana_Wai
- Angel
- What a time to be alive
- Sister **NO**
- Annienym
- anomielia
- antigenero
- muscles
- Ariel1355
- arlenes
- ay
- AzraMajere
- Babayaga
- babayagasbanshee
- Bandi
- BeachBleach
- bebopalisa
- beccabei
- BlockList
- Bobbins
- BronzeSpearBehold
- Brooke
- BurntAtTheStake
- Barbie Butterfly_tsuji
- CalBabz
- Celina
- Charly Angle
- cheese_burger69
- PTSD is my vibe 2023 ☠️ 🐈⬛️ :cheshire-cat: :cat-meme-3:
- Childfree
- Clariana
- Vituperative-birch
- Connie
- Queen Witch
- cubensis
- cute_cool_nice
- Jacky Holyoake 🇬🇧
- delicate_silicate
- Kabbalist Barbie
- Boo Boo Smidge :doge: 🇬🇧 :potato-queen:
- donamaria
- drEkua
- Dr Louise Moody
- DrMyEyes
- Yueh
- Ex Kink Eah
- earlgrey
- EatKnitSleep
- EatKnitSleepUntilSpring
- Ember_Simone
- epilog
- everlong
- extremebirdnerd
- Fandar
- Féerique
- Fenuin
- FeralDandelion
- Ruth O'Hare
- Floozy Darlington
- FloraDee
- fpcgggc
- Fran ⚢
- FreeRadicalWoman
- the rev pam owens
- FrustratedTherapist
- future_elizabeth
- Gabble
- Galiver
- gasbr
- GAtheist123
- gcmeep
- gee_upward94
- 🦎GNC Centric :flag_lesbian:
- grace_hawthorn
- T.M.
- greenpunk
- Harpy Marx
- Hearth Moon Rising
- HeatherS
- hesco
- bel 🫧
- hyeorcas
- I_XXist
- July in June 🇸🇰
- Imsoannoyed
- IndustryPlant
- Innocence 🇨🇦
- JadisCharn
- JaeTheElvenQueen
- Jar
- jazzraptor
- Jennifer Bilek
- Jeanne Deaux
- Jessica, the Deaf Witch
- Jin
- Janet Inglis
- JK_Prowling
- joeybrite
- Juna-Luna
- 🌾elspeth🌀🧿🌀
- Kalimohan
- Floey the kangaroo (Aka Celia)
- KateKnit
- kathleenbee
- Kay
- kfaythe87
- kunt_vonnegut
- Lady Grey
- laureen
- leavethishere
- chara:flag_lesbian:
- Lesbians United
- lez_notless
- 【lezpaul】
- lia
- Lilitu🌒
- littlerbear
- LittleSis
- lizisnotacat
- Thornback Jack
- LonelyTribble
- lucypeony
- LuluFishpaw
- LuvGreenTea2019
- Macha
- MadamMim
- Freya's Cat
- Bye Pick Mes
- MardiShakti
- marun
- Matoriel
- Me-Aow Dreamie-Stick
- MeandMarmalade
- medbsraven
- medicinal_pizza
- medusas-fury
- Meghan Murphy
- Melkora
- MellowMarigold
- meogsis
- meridian
- that lesbian Emma
- Minmiki
- Moonbuggy
- MsGussets
- MustardPigeon
- ⚢ anna ⚢
- Kald Jen
- Vanessa McC
- nenetl
- NightCrow
- nightscented
- NoLabelAndTired
- NoniRose
- Nordic Model Now!
- Nosferatu
- Notgonnastop
- NotYourMummy
- Nualle
- ObligateSpinster
- ocwitch
- valerie solanas was right about everything
- Ombeline🐦
- Omina_Sentenziosa
- onyxia
- operaghost
- Ovarit
- Leaving Cheyenne
- patriarchyexposed
- V for Vagina📚♿🌈🧙♀️🌊🖖
- Pepealthusser
- 🌻
- PG
- Pipistrella
- plasmometer
- plumcot
- Posie Parker
- Comrade Primalilith
- protoradfem
- R. Quinn Leigh
- radcrone
- Radical Feminism Resources
- Radical Ramblings
- RageAgainstTheMan
- RamonaQuimbey
- Raunchel
- Radek Czajka
- RebelFox
- RM
- Rhiannon Ophelia Dworkin
- Righteous
- RockTheBoat
- Rory Bowman
- Ruth_H
- Wateva
- sansar
- sarammonahan
- SeaWolf
- senryu
- Sandy 🇺🇲 💍 🕸 :pentacle:
- shelby_real
- ShveiaWFR
- SionnachRua
- skjadul
- TurkeySkull
- slytherinhermit
- Social Justice Wizard
- Spaghetti_Tree :flag_lesbian:
- SpektreKat
- Sphinx Sister.
- Spiffacious
- Spinster
- Sprate
- Spring
- camarade steph
- William A. Ferguson
- Sue Donym
- 𝐕𝔢𝔫𝔲𝔰𝐄𝔫𝔳𝔶♀︎✨🌙
- Patricia Winters MD
- sunspot🦋☀️
- TERF = Totally Enviable Real Female
- Sycaid
- tbessie
- DeadDoveDoNotEat
- Mia Tea
- Terfest_Shadow⚡
- Thais21
- ThickstrongXena
- thisisthisandthat
- tralee
- eva ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
- uf_ala
- UnHerdOf
- UrbanGardener
- Funk & Soul music
- Vaishnavi Sundar
- Vale
- vegandyke
- Vivian
- voodoofurby
- Voran
- Vortex of Bloggery
- waifu
- Terf Whisperer
- Weirdbutboring
- Wifcynn
- Women's Liberation Front
- F O T T F S O F A W Y G T F O S M......................
- Murder Mittens 🦖
- Za'atar 🌕🌲✨:flag_lesbian:
- Zaddiq
- Zalbeith
- Zaphryn
- Zeno001
- heterophobic
- likes this.