Is it some visual novel or something? :thinkin:
@lonelyowl No, it's a dress-up game. Plus gacha plus grinding and all that good stuff, of course.
Players can recommend items their characters are wearing to other players' characters, for 1XP per character recc'd, and they can be removed for 1XP per item removed. So usually players load up on items then rec all.
@lonelyowl (Some rec "costume", which is everything but hair+eyes, because some players don't like those being overwritten; such players tend to note as much in their character intro text.)
In this case they didn't rec hair, eyes, face 2 or head 1. That is, the freckles and the hairband are Alice's:
Alice's head 2 is the ribbon, they're actually separate items.
Weird thing 🤔
> which is everything but hair+eyes, because some players don't like those being overwritten
Makes sense, since a character with a different eye color is a different character, as people are rarely able to change their face and eye color at will.
The hair can be dyed, however!
@lonelyowl And styled, but not suddenly grown, unless you use a wig.
The game also has a concept of wigs, but AFAIK they are all gem-only, so I've never dabbled in them.
The best part is that they're all robots anyway, and it is canonical that you can magically transform them with the push of a button.