Is this a released game, something you’re working on, or some new AI thingy? I looked up some of the character names but Google, to my surprise, literally pulled zero fucking results.
But no, this is It's... Alright. So far it hasn't reached Frozen Essence's water path yet. So... Frozen Essence by the same person, free game, the basic plot is that you were caged up in ice for 1000 years or so and then someone comes to rescue you, and tells you to stay in the castle or something bad will happen. So of course when you hear a voice asking you to leave the castle to save them, you make the extremely sensible choice of doing exactly as it asks, and surprise, bad things happen. At the culmination of those bad things (without spoiling too much), you have to choose your path; each path being associated with one element and the character that represents it. In my case I had tried to befriend a character who had no route (I am fantastically bad at VNs), so I thought I was going to get a bad end. Turns out this is actually how you unlock a so-called hidden route - which I don't think is very hidden if you're basically forced into it if you blunder your way around early on. And that path is actually insanely good. The very short of it is that the main character ends up taking herself hostage at one point, after just putting enough together to figure out it will work, and it does. I liked that a lot. So I am expecting similar from this. Except I picked Kione path right at the start because he's always reading books.
@Kirino Oh yeah and you can pick the MC's name, so if you included "Wisknort" in the search, that probably would have thrown it off. MC does have a canonical name... I think. But I don't remember what it is. I remember FE's is Mina, because there was a line in it that didn't actually use your chosen name, so I reported it to dev.