USPS just lost a package I needed by tomorrow and are now stone walling me about it's current location
Kill postal service workers. Behead postal service workers. Roundhouse kick a postal service worker into the concrete. Slam dunk a postal service worker baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy mailmen. Defecate in a postal service workers food. Launch postal service workers into the sun. Stir fry postal service workers in a wok. Toss postal service workers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a postal service workers gas tank. Judo throw postal service workers into a wood chipper. Twist postal service workers heads off. Report postal service workers to the IRS. Karate chop postal service workers in half. Curb stomp pregnant postal service workers. Trap postal service workers in quicksand. Crush postal service workers in the trash compactor. Liquefy postal service workers in a vat of acid. Eat postal service workers. Dissect postal service workers. Exterminate postal service workers in the gas chamber. Stomp postal service workers skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate postal service workers in the oven. Lobotomize postal service workers. Mandatory abortions for postal service workers. Grind postal service worker fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown postal service workers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize postal service workers with a ray gun. Kick old postal service workers down the stairs. Feed postal service workers to alligators. Slice postal service workers with a katana.
- Kenny Blankenship likes this.
@Shadowman311 I’m sorry Shadowman, but we live in a third world country
@DW2 @Shadowman311 Amazon couldn't tell me where something was over the summer for a week and it showed up the day it was eligible for a refund. To this day I have no idea where it was all that time.
Such is life in a collapsing empire.
@NitroDubs @Shadowman311 part of me would really like to cryogenically freeze myself in an underground bunker til about 2035 or so, just so I can sleep through the upcoming collapse
@DW2 @Shadowman311 Yeah, but then who would do the [REDACTED]ing?