princess principal > genshin a chinese game XD
@Narbray that series was fun but the order of watching got me all confused
@ryuuji @Narbray I liked it too
@PhilSchedia @ryuuji i love princess principal
@ryuuji @Narbray
Episode No Chronological Order
1 6
2 1
3 2
4 4
5 3
6 7
7 8
8 5
9 9
10 10
11 11
12 12
To watch the show in chronological order,
you'd need to see
Ep 2
Ep 3
Ep 5
Ep 4
Ep 8
Ep 1
Ep 6
Ep 7
Ep 9
Ep 10
Ep 11
Ep 12
@Narbray @PhilSchedia @ryuuji I really like it too. If I had unlimited time/money, I'd use Ghosts over Albion and Pulp Zombies as a basis for adapting it as a tabletop rpg.
@Iffine @Narbray @ryuuji It's another way to experience the story. After Haruhi was over I rewatched it in chronological order and then made two more anachronological viewing orders for it.
@heavens_feel @Narbray @ryuuji Don't know why you'd watch in chronological order when both airing and BD were intended to be achronological, and case numbers often end up skipping as the final case is called 24 in a 12 episode series leading to the series having an anthology feel to it :cirno_think: The series flows naturally watching in BD order. Though if we're bringing up order issues there is this for the BD vs Aired release.