Sargon of Akkad's still living the good life:
>It's day 3 of #slopgate and I have been declared a "white supremacist" because I don't appreciate Mexican food.
>My brother in Christ, this is literally called American "cheese".
>This is true, we haven't even begun to discuss what has happened to American food before it hits their stove. Spices are probably the culinary equivalent to painkillers in America!
>I don't mean to be blunt, but it's because I don't respect you, your moral system, or your accusations of impropriety. I am not a progressive; I think your worldview is illogical and facilitates evil, and I don't think you're capable of understanding why I think that.
@apropos what
@coolboymew the first three are from Sargon praising English food over Mexican food, and getting all the usual replies.
"You probably think pepper is spicy." / "I'm sorry you don't."
Britfag hates the taste of freedom.
That dish on the left is a real banger